Episode 37: Kirsten Carlson – Fathom Antarctica (Part 2)
Kirsten Carlson is an artist and science communicator with a focus on sharing the beauty and wonder of the undersea world. Kirsten's career has given her many opportunities for adventure, including the chance to sketch under the sea ice as an expeditionary artist in Antarctica.
Episode 36: Kirsten Carlson – Fathom Antarctica (Part 1)
Kirsten Carlson is an artist and science communicator with a focus on sharing the beauty and wonder of the undersea world. Kirsten's career has given her many opportunities for adventure, including the chance to sketch under the sea ice as an expeditionary artist in Antarctica.
Episode 35: Tim Pond – Drawing and sketching animals
Tim Pond is an educator, author, illustrator and naturalist with a passion for drawing wildlife. He has a unique way of quickly capturing a subject with dynamic lines and shading. Tim’s book, The Field Guide to Drawing and Sketching Animals, brings science and art together to give the reader the knowledge and skills needed to create animal drawings full of life and movement.
Episode 34: Emilie Lygren - Interweaving science and poetry
Emilie is an educator, facilitator and poet, whose work reflects a deep commitment to creating a more connected world. She finds joy in exploring the interplay between scientific thinking and poetry and values how each of these ways of thinking can inform the other.
Episode 33: Danny Gregory – Calming the inner critic and establishing a creative habit
Danny is an artist, author and co-founder of Sketchbook Skool, an online creative hub filled with courses, workshops and a thriving creative community. Danny's work involves helping people establish a creative habit and calm their inner critic.
Episode 32: Roseann Hanson – Nature Journaling for a Wild Life
Roseann is a naturalist, artist, and explorer who has been keeping science-based nature journals for 40 years. Roseann teaches nature writing and nature journaling, both online and in the field, and is the author of the book 'Nature Journaling for a Wild Life'.
Episode 31: Laura Bertucci - My private garden
Laura Bertucci has a passion for houseplants and has created a small jungle inside her home. She now combines her interest in plants with a love of drawing and painting, a combination which provides a calm sanctuary among the stressors of life.
Episode 30: Christiane Weismüller – Nature journaling and creativity
Christiane is an artist, writer and adult educator. She uses a range of artistic forms to explore nature in different ways, finding beauty in simplicity and poetry in the everyday things she experiences in nature.
Episode 29: Rebecca Roberts – EnviroVisuals and the power of art
Rebecca Roberts is the founder of EnviroVisuals. Her work in the field of graphic recording helps make sustainability information understandable and accessible to everyone.
Episode 28: Marina Cerra – Reconnection with art and nature
Marina Cerra is an engineer by day and botanical artist by night, fitting art and nature connection into spare moments wherever she can find them, among the busyness of family life.
Episode 27: Isaiah Scott – Birding and art in the Lowcountry
Isaiah Scott is a nature journaler, birder and wildlife photographer with a passion for nature and a mission to research the historical connections between birds and the people of the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor.
Episode 26: Avoiding nature journal overwhelm (solo show)
I am so happy to be back after taking February off the podcast! There are so many resources, blog posts, videos and workshops on nature journaling these days and it is hard to know where to start. In response to a listener's question about this, I have created a list of '10 Things to Help Avoid Nature Journal Overwhelm'.
Episode 25: Bill Singleton - Tools, techniques & technology
Bill is an artist and nature journaler living in Tucson, Arizona. He blends traditional and digital art techniques to create a unique process and style that utilises the best of both forms of art.
Episode 24: Kristin Link - Connecting with place
Kristin Link is a fine artist and science illustrator with a focus on the natural world. Currently living off-grid in Alaska, she has nature journaled in some very remote and beautiful places, including on glaciers, in deserts and even on a scientific research vessel. Kristin’s work reflects her desire to connect with place, wherever she is in the world.
Episode 23: Marley Peifer - Journaling the unexpected
Marley Peifer is a nature journal educator and mentor who is also the creator of The Nature Journal show, a weekly YouTube show specifically about nature journaling. In his videos Marley takes us along with him on his adventures, nature journaling outdoors, or in extreme places. He also shares information on his process, techniques, gear and favourite art tools, as well as interviews with other nature journalers.
Episode 22: Patricia Larenas - Talking with trees
Patricia Larenas is an artist and gardener with a passion for nature, and especially for trees. Her tree portraits capture the iconic trees around her in the San Francisco Bay Area. She also investigates alternative art materials through creating her own natural inks and hand-made journals.
Episode 21: Professor Roger Kitching - Field notes from Borneo and beyond
Emeritus Professor Roger Kitching AM is an ecologist and entomologist who has conducted research studies in places all over the world including Panama, China, France, Réunion, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Having kept field journals for most of his adult life, Professor Kitching has unique insights into the importance of journals for capturing details of field expeditions, both for scientific purposes and for personal memories.
Episode 20: Sterre Verbokkem - Illustrator of Wild Things
Sterre Verbokkem works under the name ‘Illustrator of Wild Things’. She lives off-grid on a mountain in Spain, with her husband and son, surrounded by nature and wildlife. She uses both digital and traditional art techniques to create magical illustrations of the things around her.
Episode 19: Lee Angold - Exploring colour
Lee Angold is a botanical and natural science illustrator with an interest in representing nature in a way that encourages others to see the detail and beauty in even simple, everyday subjects.
Episode 18: Tom Hunt - Every species has a story
Tom is an ecologist, photographer and nature advocate with a particular passion for ornithology. Tom's work takes him to remote and beautiful locations around Australia.