Kirstie is a teacher and nature journaler from Alaska. Her career has led her through a wide range of teaching situations, always with a focus on respect for people and place.
Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. Nature journaling offers a way to document these events while also capturing our personal experiences and responses.
Angela is a writer, scientist, and natural historian. Through her writing, she celebrates the power of the local—what can be discovered when we slow down, tune in, and notice the subtle wonders of the world around us.
Spirals are all around us in nature and finding them can be a joyful challenge. This week, let’s go on a treasure hunt by tuning into the spirals in our nearby nature and capturing them on the pages of our nature journals.
Trina is a science teacher at a nature-based school, where she weaves together science and art through nature journaling. By guiding her students in an immersive learning experience, she helps them explore the world while creatively capturing their observations.
Imagining ourselves in a landscape can be a calming and peaceful experience. What if we transformed these imagined landscapes into nature journal entries? These entries could serve as a source of calm when needed or even as the first step in bringing our envisioned landscapes to life.
This very special episode is a celebration of the life of Kate Skinner. Kate was passionate about human rights and social justice. She had a deep love of literature and the transformative power of human stories. Her warmth and love was felt by everyone in her life.
Symbiosis is a close biological relationship between two different organisms, where at least one benefits from their interaction. Symbiosis highlights the interconnectedness and interdependence of living organisms and we will explore the different types of symbiosis in today’s prompt episode.
Juliene is an artist and watercolour educator. Through her engaging classes and vibrant online community, Juliene inspires artists to build creative confidence and embrace the joy of painting.
When the world feels like it is in a dark place and things appear out of control, focusing on what brings hope can sustain us. Hope not only offers solace but also motivation to make positive change. Our nature journals can become a place to cultivate hope. Let’s share hopeful ideas and resources this week.
Artist and bird enthusiast Ria Kotze explores her curiosity and passion for nature through creativity. Her story has taken her on adventures to many parts of the world, and now her biggest adventure of all is following her paintbrush wherever it leads.
Being in nature offers endless opportunities to be surprised and delighted by all the wonders that we find there. When you are outside, tune your awareness to those things that are new and different, to those surprising moments that make you gasp from joy and wonder.
Nics is a business and personal coach from Edinburgh, Scotland. She is training to be a forest bathing guide and approaches her work and nature connection practice with curiosity, an open heart, and a firm belief in the awesomeness of individuals.
This month I will be using a set of prompts to inspire my garden journal. I invite you to join in!
Ane is a multilingual translator living in Basque Country. Ane’s work explores the ways that nature and creativity can foster wellbeing.
Windows are there to connect us with the wider world. Look out your window and journal about what you see. Can you see trees, or the sky? Can you see human stories unfolding? Sketch what you see and describe it with words.
Maja is a multi-creative Danish artist living in Sydney, Australia. Maja dedicated herself to filling a hand-made nature journal each month for a year and came to know nature in her adopted country more deeply through the process.
Looking back at our old journals can show how our practice has developed and remind us of techniques we would like to use again. Sometimes we can even answer our own nature questions! For today’s prompt, we will revisit our past journal pages and see what they can teach us.
Using her experiences in the natural world as inspiration, Naomi creates detailed fine art with the aim of connecting people with wildlife. She is passionate about using art to help support wildlife conservation projects around the world.
The traditional Japanese calendar divides the year into 72 microseasons, each representing a period of change in the natural world. Pay attention to the small changes that happen in your region and see if you can identify some microseasons of your own.
Every day for over twelve years, Mary Jo has posted a photograph of nature on her blog STILL. More than just a daily creative project, STILL has offered deep insights and connection to place.
Bringing play into our nature journaling practice is an invitation to lean towards joy and freedom and away from perfectionism and self-criticism. Start your journaling sessions with play – embrace all of your silly, wonky, imperfect, life-filled lines and have fun!
Katrin is a nature journaler from Germany and the founder of the Stuttgart Nature Journal Club. She finds joy in observing and documenting nature and connecting others with this beautiful practice.
Sofia Gazarian challenged herself to sketch the same bird each month for a year, as a way of tracking her sketching skills over time. Since starting this challenge, lots of others have decided to participate alongside her. Listen to find out how we can do the same!
Sofia has a passion for birdwatching. While cultivating a daily sketching habit, Sofia has learned that you can find birds and make amazing discoveries even in the heart of a big city.
Today we are exploring the corners of our environment, the neglected places that we do not normally visit. There are nature stories here too. Take some time to nature journal the things that you notice in a place that might have been overlooked for a while.
Jarod is a poet, author and podcaster who writes intimately about the appreciation of nature, the interconnectedness of all things, and the complex experience of being human.
International Nature Journaling Week is coming up again soon (1-7th June) and in this episode I chat about all the ways that you can get involved during the week.
Through her work, painter and printmaker Suzy Sharpe explores the ways that humans and nature are interconnected and how humans make meaning from this connection through creative expression.
Leandra is an artist, environmental scientist, and educator. Through her work she invites others to connect with the joy and wonder that can be found in the outdoors.
Let’s go on a colour hunt! Take a small handful of colour pencils and head outside. See if you can find these colours around you in nature. When you find something that matches one of the colours you chose, sketch that object in your journal using the pencil.
Lily is an educator specialising in the field of biomimicry. Through curiosity and attention, joy and humour, Lily guides others to see the wonders of nature around us.
Nature journaling can be a way to take a break from our busy lives, calm the nervous system, and facilitate healing for the body and mind. Take some time to nature journal for the sole purpose of allowing yourself to rest and heal.
After a career in the corporate world, Jennifer underwent a significant life transformation by transitioning to a career as a botanical artist and educator. This shift aligned with her values around nature, creativity, and connection.
Keeping track of the weather can help us be more aware of, and connected with, our surroundings. Let’s create a daily weather log for one week (or longer), noting down variables relevant to our area, like precipitation, temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
After spending 30 years in France, artist Desmond Bovey returned to New Zealand and the landscape of his childhood. With attention and curiosity, Desmond used sketching nature as a way to truly come home.
Our pets are a little piece of nature inside our home, and they make wonderful subjects for a nature journal page. You can sketch them while they are sleeping, playing, eating, or having a snuggle.
Jenni is an artist from Samford, Queensland. She enjoys exploring the architecture of nature by playing with shapes and forms in her cyanotypes and acrylic paintings.
As the year comes to an end, let’s spend some time finishing up all of those half-finished creative projects, making space for new ideas and new projects to flow in 2024.
Sarah is an illustrator and geologist living in Wales, UK. Through her many creative projects, Sarah uses art as a medium for storytelling, vividly capturing the unique character of people, places and nature around her.
Colours change throughout the year and sometimes we notice that colours in nature come to represent a particular season. What are the colours that you notice right now that represent this time of year where you live? How could you capture these colours in your nature journal?
Kate is a Brisbane-based garden consultant, author and edible weeds expert. She teaches a style of gardening that works in harmony with nature, creating fertile, flourishing spaces that are a haven for wildlife.
Sketching landscapes in your nature journal can help you understand an ecosystem, as well as create your own sense of place and belonging. Get to know your landscape by exploring it on the pages of your nature journal using both words and pictures.
In this conversation, Marley talks about some deep questions that have been arising for him recently, on ways to move towards an embodied relationship with nature.
In this episode I reflect on the beauty that can be found in the process of decay. I invite you to look for examples of change, aging, decomposition, and decay in nature around you. This process is essential and beautiful. How could you capture this in your journal?
Kelly explores her love of nature through many different creative outlets, including nature journaling, photography, and embroidery. Kelly uses creativity as a way to understand and connect with the landscapes of her local area.
In this episode I reflect on the ways that nature supported me through the loss of my father. Have you experienced something similar in your own life? Have there been times when you have turned to nature for comfort through grief or loss?
Sometimes we go outside with the intention to journal about a certain subject, and then nature shares a different story that needs to be told. When you go outside, be open to following the stories that unfold around you and capturing them in your journal.
Elizabeth is a freelance marine biologist and science communicator. Through her funny and joyful style, she helps others connect with the wonders of the ocean.
Adding a title to your journal page can help tell a compelling story. Play around with hand lettering this week and see if you can use different fonts, styles and sizes of lettering to express yourself on the page.
Meredith is an artist from Newcastle, Australia. She uses a sewing machine to represent natural subjects through a unique form of sculptural embroidery. This technique combines her background in both natural history illustration and textiles.
One of the richest and most rewarding parts of International Nature Journaling Week was the sense of community and connection with others from across the world. In this episode I talk about the next steps we can take to maintain the momentum in our journaling practice as well as stay connected with this world-wide community.
David is a biologist and writer whose work invites others to contemplate the network of relationships between all life on earth.
In today’s episode I explain all about what is coming up for International Nature Journaling Week (1-7th June) 2023.
Hannah is a nature guide and community educator from South Australia. She is passionate about native plants and uses nature journaling as one tool for helping others see beauty and wonder in the natural world.
Nature journaling with a friend is a joyful experience and can even deepen your understanding of the world around you as you unpack nature mysteries together. This week, invite someone to spend time journaling with you and enjoy the benefits of this connection.
Jamie is a parent educator from Malaysia. She connects with the natural world through her journal and through poetry. Jamie enjoys spending family time nature journaling with her children in the natural spaces near her home.
Find someone who you admire, creatively, and make it a goal to study and replicate what it is you appreciate about their work. Copying is a great way to learn. Remember to always acknowledge that it is a copy if you post your work online.
Karen always had an inner voice that whispered to her about creativity and nature. When she was able to listen to these whispers, she opened a whole new world of art and nature journaling that has become an essential part of her life.
Try tackling a subject in your nature journal that you have avoided until now, something that stretches you a little out of your comfort zone. Or play with a new medium that you have not used before and have always wanted to try.
Kathryn is an illustrator and nature journaler from County Durham, England. She fills her journal pages with vibrant and playful depictions of the stories she sees in nature and in life.
Create some 'nature spots' in response to the colours you see in your nearby nature. Tune your eyes to the colours around you. Look closely at a colour that catches your attention, then see if you can create a little spot on your nature journal page to represent what you see.
Lisa is a watercolour artist with a passion for nature. She is on a mission to share the feelings of joy and wonder that she gets when painting outdoors. One way she does this is by connecting with the colours of the landscape and creating 'nature spots' in her journal.
Think about ways that you can make yourself more comfortable while you are nature journaling. You might choose to bring a hat, sunscreen, bug spray or a camp chair along with you, as part of your essential nature journaling kit. Being comfortable will enhance your enjoyment of the experience.
Valentina is an artist who creates illustrations as a way of communicating about nature, science and sustainability. She is passionate about nature protection and hopes that her visual work will help make a positive change in the world.
Making time to nature journal during a busy week can be a challenge. This week's prompt invites us to search for small pockets of time in our regular routine that could be dedicated to nature journaling.
Mirja is an illustrator, nature guide and author from the Netherlands. In her nature journal, Mirja enjoys paying close attention to the rhythm of the seasons, tuning into her senses and noticing the subtle changes that can be observed in nature throughout the year.
Kelly is a Chicago-based bird artist and photographer. Using a variety of digital and analogue techniques, Kelly is creating a series of 100 bird paintings as a way of documenting the wide variety of birds in her local forest preserve.
Dion is an artist, naturalist and nature journal teacher. Her in-depth classes explore art and natural sciences in a diverse range of habitats. Dion collaborates with citizen science and community groups and believes in finding a middle ground in her nature journal where science and personal stories can co-exist.
Melissa is a landscape contractor with a passion for desert plants and pollinators. Melissa is always alert to 'breadcrumbs from the universe'; signs showing the way, reminding her to pay attention to nature and teaching her how to be a better designer for pollinators and people.
Sarah moved from her home in Western Australia to the Irish countryside where she raised her family. After finding nature journaling and creative inspiration online, Sarah has started her own virtual community, Spark of Nature, as a way to engage with other like-minded nature lovers from around the world.
Having followed a winding professional path all the way around the world and back to his original dream of working in conservation, Mark knows the value of community and connection. He hopes to share the beauty of nature with others through his art and his work as a countryside ranger.
Sarah has a deep connection with nature in her local area. As a lifelong learner and natural-born teacher, Sarah enjoys exchanging with others in her community and online, sharing knowledge, curiosity and enthusiasm for the natural world.
Deborah is a nature journaler from California, USA. In her work she taught ways to combine science and art in early childhood education. Now she aims to foster a connection with nature in her family and community through nature journaling.
Sonja is a nature journaler from the Pacific Northwest, USA. Nature and art have been part of Sonja's life from since childhood. Nature journaling has helped her embrace a growth mindset and learn lessons about life and art.
Brooke is a designer, writer and photographer who uses her creative skills to tell engaging stories. Through her blog, Life Noticed, Brooke shares inspiration and encouragement on the themes of mindset, creative habits, nature and art.
Craig is an artist and scientific illustrator from Tasmania. After a career with positions ranging from feeding Tasmanian devils in a wildlife park, illustrating spider anatomy, and identifying fossil specimens of Australian megafauna, Craig has found his niche painting birds on vintage book pages.
Robin is a biologist, natural science illustrator and author with a special interest in studying ecological change over time. Her new book, The Cold Canyon Fire Journals, tells the story of a changing landscape after fire.
We are celebrating 100 episodes of the Journaling With Nature podcast! For this milestone episode Beth Kelley Gillogly turns the microphone around and interviews Bethan about her history, nature journaling with her son and the story behind starting the podcast.
Sandy is an artist, instructor and writer exploring the world through her sketchbook. Sandy uses field sketching to learn about her environment, coming to know the landscape and its inhabitants more deeply through creativity and mindful observation.
Kim is an artist, scientist and educator living in Western Australia. Through the pages of her nature journals and the videos on her YouTube channel, Kim aims to encourage others to keep a nature journal and connect with the wonders of our planet.
The theme for International Nature Journaling Week 2022 is Back to Basics. This theme has been chosen to remind us that nature journaling can be done close to home and with very simple materials.
Alex Boon is a nature artist and writer from East Devon, UK. He creates regular nature journal vlogs and tutorials through his YouTube channel The Daily Nature Journal. Alex also shares about British nature, botanical ink making, and flower and leaf pressing and preservation.
Molly is an educator and artist, born in the USA and living in the United Arab Emirates. Nature journaling has helped her feel connected with the landscape she now calls home. Through her workshops, and the Abu Dhabi Nature Journal Club, Molly is helping her community make nature connections too.
Corina is an ecologist and nature journaler from Ontario, Canada. For Corina, the nature journal can be a tool for exploring her garden, connecting with nature through mindfulness, and even a place to process ecological grief. Corina lets nature journaling be about the process, not the product.
Talweez spends much of her time travelling to new places, near and far, and creatively capturing her experiences through writing and art. Since coming to the practice of nature journaling, Talweez has found that her sketchbook allows her to see, learn, understand and appreciate even more about the world around her.
Eriko is a nature artist, illustrator, and conservationist. She is also the founder of Japan Nature Journal Club. From being an insect loving child, to growing into a wildlife artist and nature journal teacher, the natural world has always been an important part of Eriko's story.
Angela is a nature artist who has started a yearlong nature journal challenge called Season Sketchers. Using the Celtic Wheel of the Year as a guide, Angela invites us to go outside on significant dates during the year to observe nature and notice the changes that each new season brings.
Alisa is an illustrator and artist with a particular love for marine invertebrates. She recently set herself the ambitious goal of creating a painting a day for 100 days. Having completed the project, Alisa is now interested in helping guide others to reach their own creative goals.
Kuniko is a nature journaler living in Tokyo. Nature journaling has allowed Kuniko to let go of comparisons, regrets and anxieties, and find peace in the present moment. The practice has also opened Kuniko's eyes to the special natural places around her in Tokyo.
Amy is an educator who uses art, storytelling and video to communicate about science. Simplifying and communicating complex ideas is what Amy does best. In her workshop ‘Doodling Diagrams’ she guided participants through the process of translating the movements of animals into simple sketches.
Rosalie is an artist and nature illustrator from West Virginia. Through her work, Rosalie aims to show the intricate beauty of the natural world and encourage environmental stewardship. Rosalie teaches nature art online, as a Top Teacher on Skillshare, and has recently published her first book Watercolor in Nature.
Alissa is a watercolour pencil artist, urban sketcher & librarian. She has a habit of sketching every day as a way of documenting the moments of her life. She has filled more than a hundred journals since beginning her daily practice and believes that 'anything is sketchable'.
Eric has had a lifelong fascination with birds, especially the movement of birds across continents during migration events. One way that he has been able to observe these movements is by recording the nocturnal sounds of migrating birds as they pass over his home in New Hampshire.
Hannah is an artist with a focus on the native birds of New Zealand. She uses fine-tip black pens to create detailed drawings which capture the life and beauty of these unique birds. Part of her work involves visiting remote, predator-free islands and bird sanctuaries, and behind all of her art is a message of conservation.
Gargi sees nature journaling as a tool to tap into an infinite loop of curiosity about the natural world. As a data analyst, she finds crossovers between her profession and the process of nature journaling. Gargi also finds journaling with others to be a wonderful source of inspiration and ideas.
Karen is a nature enthusiast who uses creativity as a way to connect with the natural world. For Karen, nature journaling is a tool for both relaxation and learning. She is a lifelong learner who lets her curiosity guide her towards new discoveries in both nature and art.
As a wildlife artist, Vitor creates under the name The Headless Sketcher. With a lively and unique style, Vitor tells visual stories using line, colour and movement. Written descriptions of the life and behaviour of animals form an integral part of each composition, unifying other visual elements and guiding the eye across the page.
Kim is a teaching artist, visual interpreter and wilderness guide. Along with her partner Bjorn Olson, Kim has explored remote parts of the Alaskan wilderness by fatbike, packraft and sea kayak, through all types of weather and in every season. Kim keeps a detailed nature journal to document her adventures.
For naturalist, writer and photographer, Kelly Brenner noticing details is a way of life. With the deep curiosity of a naturalist, Kelly has discovered some of the incredible natural diversity around her and documented this in her book Nature Obscura: A city's hidden natural world.
Tim is an artist from Alabama who has a strong connection with the history and stories held within the landscape around him. Through art, Tim pays respect to the landscape and the man-made structures within it, honouring the past and preserving this on canvas for the future. Last time I spoke with Tim on the podcast, half of the interview was lost through a technical fault. In this episode we revisit our conversation, talking about Tim’s current work and his dreams and plans for his creative future.
Susanne has come to know her neighbourhood intimately, through the lens of her camera, during daily nature walks. As a nature photographer, Susanne captures moments of connection and stillness in the natural world, noticing details and sharing this beauty with others.
Harshitha is the founder of Gida Living Colours. She creates paints with plants and soil, transforming the landscape into vibrant and consciously sourced art materials. Harshitha is a member of the Natural Colours Collective, a group of nature enthusiasts sharing knowledge of natural and sustainable art practices.
Julie is a biologist, artist and founder of Life Science Studios. As a scientific illustrator, she helps biologists communicate their research by creating imagery that captures and conveys the essential elements of their work. Problem solving, communication and artistic expression are all part of Julie's creative process.
Preethi is an artist living in Queens, New York. With an appreciation for all things woodland and whimsical, Preethi started Garden Slug Productions as a place to document her creative journey. Through all the uncertainty of recent times, she has come back to nature and art as a way to stay grounded.
Rafa is a biologist, ornithologist and illustrator. He has concentrated his career on birds and worked extensively studying bird migration and conservation in the Strait of Gibraltar. Rafa is the founder of Diarios de Naturaleza, where he helps others tap into their curiosity and creativity through nature journaling.
Lara is a scientist and natural history illustrator based in Milan, Italy. Lara uses her nature journal as a place to learn new things and grow as an artist and naturalist. As someone who enjoys change, Lara is connected with the seasons and the transformation that each new season brings.
Verena is a wilderness educator and nature journal teacher helping others connect with nature in the city. She helps people come back to our essential wild nature, finding empathy and connection with all life around us. Verena shares her stories and insights on her podcast Wieder Wilder Werden.
Ginn is an artist who is inspired by nature. Much of her art is done en plein air, focusing on landscapes and skies. With a deep love for colour, Ginn knows the value of getting to know your paints by swatching, mixing and creating colour charts.
Yvea is a botanist who has spent many years working in the field of restoration. Through her online workshop series, Plant Families in our Foods, she helped participants understand more about the plants we eat every day. Yvea is also the co-ordinator of the online nature journal gatherings "Pencil Miles and Chill".
Miriam is a fire management specialist who promotes place-based fire education. Miriam uses nature journaling as a tool for tuning into the environment before, during and after fire. When we are aware of our environment in this deep way, we are better able to make decisions about fire awareness and management.
Heather is a nature journal teacher with a unique focus. She uses literature and history as a way of connecting her students with the natural world. In her online classes, Heather explores the life and landscape of authors such as Beatrix Potter, James Herriot, Jane Austen and The Brontë Sisters.
Mike is an artist and podcaster with a passion for nature. He especially enjoys creating intricately detailed drawings using a simple 2B graphite pencil. In his podcast, Drawing Inspiration, Mike explores the world of art through his own experience and through interviews with a wide range of guests.
Brenna is a permaculture illustrator who uses her art as a form of activism. Her work tackles big topics like politics, over consumption and the climate crisis, but always with a focus on positive solutions. Viewing her work will make you want to jump up and do something to make a positive change!
Jane is recognised as one of the art world's foremost authorities on colour and colour mixing. She teaches workshops on watercolour technique and has collaborated with Daniel Smith Artists’ Materials to create the Ultimate Mixing Palette. She even has a colour named after her - Jane's Grey!
Ayoka is a visual trainer and information illustrator. She uses the tools and techniques of sketchnoting to simplify and communicate information. Combining sketchnoting with her gratitude practice, Ayoka has invented a new form of creative expression - GratiDoodling!
Kelly is a creative nature connection guide. Her work involves giving children and adults a variety of opportunities to connect with nature through creativity. Kelly has written many books on nature and art including her most recent book Draw Yourself Back to Nature.
Billie Jo is an outdoor educator with the Peel District School Board. Before the pandemic, Billie Jo was teaching in-person at local field centres. Now she is bringing nature journaling to children of all age groups, inventing creative ways to connect students with nature through the virtual classroom.
Sabrina is an interpreter, educator, and makeup enthusiast. She uses makeup to explore the natural world, capturing the essence of plants and animals in her choice of colour, shape and detail.
Sarah is an artist from Wales who creates artwork celebrating ecology and connection. She shares stories of landscape, history, folklore and family. Sarah knows the value of being in quiet conversation with the natural world.
Nature journaling is a deeply rewarding experience that can be adapted to suit each child's age and interest. If you would like to learn ways that you can nature journal with the children in your life, this episode is for you.
Tim is an artist from Alabama who has a strong connection with the history and stories held within the landscape around him. Through art, Tim pays respect to the landscape and the man-made structures within it, honouring the past and preserving this on canvas for the future.
Paula is an Australian ecologist, artist, author and educator. Her work brings together her background in science and her love of art, connecting people with place, through nature journaling. For Paula, nature journaling encompasses the whole spectrum of experience - body, mind and heart.
Lara is a botanical artist and illustrator from Virginia. Through her work as chief illustrator for the Flora of Virginia Project, and her perpetual nature journal, which she has been keeping for two decades, Lara has developed a deep connection with the native and naturalised plants of her home state.
Sabine comes from an artistic family and has many different creative interests, including sewing, embroidery, vintage fashion and especially, growing and painting houseplants. Sabine shares the story of how she began growing houseplants and capturing them in a nature journal.
Candace Rose Rardon is a writer, illustrator and visual storyteller. As a travel writer, Candace spent more than a decade living abroad, immersed in the culture of each country she would visit. Candace found her niche when she started using a sketchbook to visually document her travels.
June has been a very busy month for nature journalers around the world. We have had International Nature Journaling Week as well as the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, among other opportunities. Today's short episode is a chat about June and all that has happened this month.
Andy has a long history of connecting with nature, both personally and professionally. He has helped people of all ages find joy in nature, through his bushcraft programs. Andy now works with students at the local Steiner school, where nature and art are integrated into everyday learning.
June has been a huge month for nature journaling and it’s not over yet! We still have two very exciting events coming up: The Wild Wonder Teacher’s Conference and the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference. In Today’s episode we will revisit conversations I had with some of the artists and educators who will be teaching at these exciting events.
Isabella is a landscape planner and restoration ecologist with a special love for plants. Isabella enjoys exploring details in the world around her. She uses the nature journal as a tool for learning more and deepening her understanding of nature.
Hani adalah mahasiswa Konservasi Sumber Daya Hutan yang memiliki hasrat untuk berkarya melalui ilustrasi botani dan nature journaling. Hani menggunakan jurnalnya untuk mendokumentasikan ekosistem tropis yang ada di sekitarnya, dan ia sengaja menulis dengan Aksara Jawa, sebagai cara untuk melestarikan warisan budayanya.
Hani is a student of Forest Resources Conservation with a passion for botanical illustration and nature journaling. Hani uses his nature journal to document the tropical ecosystems around him and intentionally writes in Javanese script, as a way of preserving his cultural heritage.
Yvonne Cuaresma is the founder of The Climate Journal Project, a movement where people are using journaling as a tool to process climate anxiety and ecological grief. Yvonne has created a community where people can process emotions in a supportive space and move from feelings of hopelessness into action.
Kirsten Carlson is an artist and science communicator with a focus on sharing the beauty and wonder of the undersea world. Kirsten's career has given her many opportunities for adventure, including the chance to sketch under the sea ice as an expeditionary artist in Antarctica.
Kirsten Carlson is an artist and science communicator with a focus on sharing the beauty and wonder of the undersea world. Kirsten's career has given her many opportunities for adventure, including the chance to sketch under the sea ice as an expeditionary artist in Antarctica.
Tim Pond is an educator, author, illustrator and naturalist with a passion for drawing wildlife. He has a unique way of quickly capturing a subject with dynamic lines and shading. Tim’s book, The Field Guide to Drawing and Sketching Animals, brings science and art together to give the reader the knowledge and skills needed to create animal drawings full of life and movement.
Emilie is an educator, facilitator and poet, whose work reflects a deep commitment to creating a more connected world. She finds joy in exploring the interplay between scientific thinking and poetry and values how each of these ways of thinking can inform the other.
Danny is an artist, author and co-founder of Sketchbook Skool, an online creative hub filled with courses, workshops and a thriving creative community. Danny's work involves helping people establish a creative habit and calm their inner critic.
Roseann is a naturalist, artist, and explorer who has been keeping science-based nature journals for 40 years. Roseann teaches nature writing and nature journaling, both online and in the field, and is the author of the book 'Nature Journaling for a Wild Life'.
Laura Bertucci has a passion for houseplants and has created a small jungle inside her home. She now combines her interest in plants with a love of drawing and painting, a combination which provides a calm sanctuary among the stressors of life.
Rebecca Roberts is the founder of EnviroVisuals. Her work in the field of graphic recording helps make sustainability information understandable and accessible to everyone.
Marina Cerra is an engineer by day and botanical artist by night, fitting art and nature connection into spare moments wherever she can find them, among the busyness of family life.
Isaiah Scott is a nature journaler, birder and wildlife photographer with a passion for nature and a mission to research the historical connections between birds and the people of the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor.
I am so happy to be back after taking February off the podcast! There are so many resources, blog posts, videos and workshops on nature journaling these days and it is hard to know where to start. In response to a listener's question about this, I have created a list of '10 Things to Help Avoid Nature Journal Overwhelm'.
Bill is an artist and nature journaler living in Tucson, Arizona. He blends traditional and digital art techniques to create a unique process and style that utilises the best of both forms of art.
Kristin Link is a fine artist and science illustrator with a focus on the natural world. Currently living off-grid in Alaska, she has nature journaled in some very remote and beautiful places, including on glaciers, in deserts and even on a scientific research vessel. Kristin’s work reflects her desire to connect with place, wherever she is in the world.
Marley Peifer is a nature journal educator and mentor who is also the creator of The Nature Journal show, a weekly YouTube show specifically about nature journaling. In his videos Marley takes us along with him on his adventures, nature journaling outdoors, or in extreme places. He also shares information on his process, techniques, gear and favourite art tools, as well as interviews with other nature journalers.
Patricia Larenas is an artist and gardener with a passion for nature, and especially for trees. Her tree portraits capture the iconic trees around her in the San Francisco Bay Area. She also investigates alternative art materials through creating her own natural inks and hand-made journals.
Emeritus Professor Roger Kitching AM is an ecologist and entomologist who has conducted research studies in places all over the world including Panama, China, France, Réunion, Papua New Guinea and Australia. Having kept field journals for most of his adult life, Professor Kitching has unique insights into the importance of journals for capturing details of field expeditions, both for scientific purposes and for personal memories.
Sterre Verbokkem works under the name ‘Illustrator of Wild Things’. She lives off-grid on a mountain in Spain, with her husband and son, surrounded by nature and wildlife. She uses both digital and traditional art techniques to create magical illustrations of the things around her.
Lee Angold is a botanical and natural science illustrator with an interest in representing nature in a way that encourages others to see the detail and beauty in even simple, everyday subjects.
Tom is an ecologist, photographer and nature advocate with a particular passion for ornithology. Tom's work takes him to remote and beautiful locations around Australia.
Melinda Nakagawa is a scientist, nature connection mentor and nature journal teacher. Her work is all about gently guiding others to connect with the natural world by tapping into curiosity and wonder.
Alex Boon is a nature artist and writer from East Devon, UK. His work centres around the wildlife and landscapes of Britain and embodies a deep sense of place.
Tania Marien is an independent educator who aims to facilitate connection with nature through her projects. Tania is the host of Talaterra podcast, a show where she investigates the contribution that freelance environmental educators make to lifelong learning in communities.
Julia Bausenhardt is an illustrator and nature enthusiast who teaches art techniques through connection with nature. She uses her sketchbook as a tool for exploration, experimentation and discovery.
Robin Carlson is a biologist and natural science illustrator who has a deep interest in documenting how landscapes and ecological communities change over time. In particular, her work focuses on fire ecology and how habitats regenerate after fire.
John Muir Laws (aka Jack) is an artist, naturalist and nature journaling mentor. He talks about how paying sustained, compassionate attention to nature, and to the people in our lives, profoundly changes the way we relate to each other and interact in the world.
Fiona Gillogly is an inspiring 17-year-old nature journaler who has taken the art of questioning to a new level. Fiona has been described by John Muir Laws as having 'insatiable curiosity' and she uses this to dive into the mysteries of nature around her.
Jean Mackay is an artist, educator and naturalist. She uses her art practice as a way of capturing and appreciating the small moments in everyday life and teaches that we can all become explorers of the world around us.
Ali Foxon is a geographer, artist and the founder of Boggy Doodles. Ali has created 'green sketching', a new genre of mark-making in the outdoors designed to help us find joy.
Elizabeth Mills, marine biologist and science communicator, dives into the weird and wonderful creatures she finds on the rocky shore.
Scientific illustrator and nature journal instructor, Liz Clayton Fuller, talks about art, her passion for ornithology and her outdoor adventures.
Tessina De Lille talks about her life and experiences, raising a young family while building a career as a nature artist.
Amaya Shreeve is a 15-year-old nature journaler who is using her love of nature to inspire others to journal alongside her.
Amy Kirkbright is a multi-creative from Melbourne, Australia. She talks about art, nature journaling and how creativity can be a lifebuoy through difficult times.
Bethan talks with Bronwyn Smith and her four daughters, about nature journaling and life in the remote Scottish archipelago of Shetland.
Jules Woolford (Drawn Into Nature) shares stories from her nature journaling adventures in Bristol, England.
Journaling With Nature is a podcast for those who want to turn curiosity into wonder, a pencil sketch into a rabbit hole of discovery, a moment of stillness into a life full of joy.
Contemplating Earth as part of a vast solar system, galaxy, and universe offers a powerful perspective. Let's explore ways to use nature journaling to connect with our place in space.