Episode 179: Angela E. Douglas – The power of local
‘I always knew I wanted to be a biologist. It never occurred to me to be anything else.’
- Angela E. Douglas
Angela is a writer, scientist, and natural historian. Through her writing, she celebrates the power of the local—what can be discovered when we slow down, tune in, and notice the subtle wonders of the world around us.
Listen to hear more about:
How the 2020 lockdowns started Angela’s writing project that would become her book Nature on the Doorstep: A Year of Letters.
Angela’s writing process at home and while travelling.
The natural history authors who inspire Angela.
Learning the flora and fauna of a new country.
Connecting with individual animals in your area.
The circle of natural connections.
The importance of appreciating the local.
The art of strategic neglect in the garden.
Angela’s new book Near the Forest, By the Lake: Discovering Nature Close to Home.
For more information about Angela and her work visit www.angelaedouglas.com.
Find out more about Angela’s book here: Nature on the Doorstep: A Year of Letters.
Preorder Angela’s new book here: Near the Forest, By the Lake: Discovering Nature Close to Home.
Authors that have influenced Angela’s natural history writing:
Gilbert White - The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne
Anna Comstock – The Handbook of Nature Study.
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