Episode 182: Our place in space
Contemplating Earth as part of a vast solar system, galaxy, and universe offers a powerful perspective. Let's explore ways to use nature journaling to connect with our place in space.
Episode 181: Kirstie Willean – Seward Nature Journaling
Kirstie is a teacher and nature journaler from Alaska. Her career has led her through a wide range of teaching situations, always with a focus on respect for people and place.
Episode 180: Big weather
Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. Nature journaling offers a way to document these events while also capturing our personal experiences and responses.
Episode 179: Angela E. Douglas – The power of local
Angela is a writer, scientist, and natural historian. Through her writing, she celebrates the power of the local—what can be discovered when we slow down, tune in, and notice the subtle wonders of the world around us.
Episode 178: Looking for spirals
Spirals are all around us in nature and finding them can be a joyful challenge. This week, let’s go on a treasure hunt by tuning into the spirals in our nearby nature and capturing them on the pages of our nature journals.
Episode 177: Trina Walton – Science, art and community connections
Trina is a science teacher at a nature-based school, where she weaves together science and art through nature journaling. By guiding her students in an immersive learning experience, she helps them explore the world while creatively capturing their observations.
Episode 176: Landscapes of the imagination
Imagining ourselves in a landscape can be a calming and peaceful experience. What if we transformed these imagined landscapes into nature journal entries? These entries could serve as a source of calm when needed or even as the first step in bringing our envisioned landscapes to life.
Episode 175: Kate Skinner – Landscape in literature
This very special episode is a celebration of the life of Kate Skinner. Kate was passionate about human rights and social justice. She had a deep love of literature and the transformative power of human stories. Her warmth and love was felt by everyone in her life.
Episode 174: Symbiosis stories
Symbiosis is a close biological relationship between two different organisms, where at least one benefits from their interaction. Symbiosis highlights the interconnectedness and interdependence of living organisms and we will explore the different types of symbiosis in today’s prompt episode.
Episode 173: Juliene Sinclair – Co-creating with watercolour
Juliene is an artist and watercolour educator. Through her engaging classes and vibrant online community, Juliene inspires artists to build creative confidence and embrace the joy of painting.
Episode 172: Seeds of hope
When the world feels like it is in a dark place and things appear out of control, focusing on what brings hope can sustain us. Hope not only offers solace but also motivation to make positive change. Our nature journals can become a place to cultivate hope. Let’s share hopeful ideas and resources this week.
Episode 171: Ria Kotze – Following the paintbrush
Artist and bird enthusiast Ria Kotze explores her curiosity and passion for nature through creativity. Her story has taken her on adventures to many parts of the world, and now her biggest adventure of all is following her paintbrush wherever it leads.
Episode 170: Surprise and delight
Being in nature offers endless opportunities to be surprised and delighted by all the wonders that we find there. When you are outside, tune your awareness to those things that are new and different, to those surprising moments that make you gasp from joy and wonder.
Episode 169: Nics Johnson – Connection with intention
Nics is a business and personal coach from Edinburgh, Scotland. She is training to be a forest bathing guide and approaches her work and nature connection practice with curiosity, an open heart, and a firm belief in the awesomeness of individuals.
Episode 168: Inktober in the garden
This month I will be using a set of prompts to inspire my garden journal. I invite you to join in!
Episode 167: Ane Garmendia – Nature is the way
Ane is a multilingual translator living in Basque Country. Ane’s work explores the ways that nature and creativity can foster wellbeing.
Episode 166: From the window
Windows are there to connect us with the wider world. Look out your window and journal about what you see. Can you see trees, or the sky? Can you see human stories unfolding? Sketch what you see and describe it with words.
Episode 165: Maja Aaby Pedersen - Creative sustainability
Maja is a multi-creative Danish artist living in Sydney, Australia. Maja dedicated herself to filling a hand-made nature journal each month for a year and came to know nature in her adopted country more deeply through the process.
Episode 164: Revisit old journals
Looking back at our old journals can show how our practice has developed and remind us of techniques we would like to use again. Sometimes we can even answer our own nature questions! For today’s prompt, we will revisit our past journal pages and see what they can teach us.
Episode 163: Naomi Jenkin – Art for wildlife
Using her experiences in the natural world as inspiration, Naomi creates detailed fine art with the aim of connecting people with wildlife. She is passionate about using art to help support wildlife conservation projects around the world.