Episode 137: Kate Wall – Your garden as a living artwork
Kate is a Brisbane-based garden consultant, author and edible weeds expert. She teaches a style of gardening that works in harmony with nature, creating fertile, flourishing spaces that are a haven for wildlife.
Episode 136: Find Yourself in the Landscape
Sketching landscapes in your nature journal can help you understand an ecosystem, as well as create your own sense of place and belonging. Get to know your landscape by exploring it on the pages of your nature journal using both words and pictures.
Episode 135: Marley Peifer – Embodying our nature connection
In this conversation, Marley talks about some deep questions that have been arising for him recently, on ways to move towards an embodied relationship with nature.
Episode 134: Beauty in decay
In this episode I reflect on the beauty that can be found in the process of decay. I invite you to look for examples of change, aging, decomposition, and decay in nature around you. This process is essential and beautiful. How could you capture this in your journal?
Episode 133: Kelly Carmody – Painted Trails Art
Kelly explores her love of nature through many different creative outlets, including nature journaling, photography, and embroidery. Kelly uses creativity as a way to understand and connect with the landscapes of her local area.
Episode 132: Nature and grief
In this episode I reflect on the ways that nature supported me through the loss of my father. Have you experienced something similar in your own life? Have there been times when you have turned to nature for comfort through grief or loss?
Episode 131: Unfolding stories
Sometimes we go outside with the intention to journal about a certain subject, and then nature shares a different story that needs to be told. When you go outside, be open to following the stories that unfold around you and capturing them in your journal.
Episode 130: Elizabeth Mills – Laughing and learning
Elizabeth is a freelance marine biologist and science communicator. Through her funny and joyful style, she helps others connect with the wonders of the ocean.
Episode 129: Play with hand lettering
Adding a title to your journal page can help tell a compelling story. Play around with hand lettering this week and see if you can use different fonts, styles and sizes of lettering to express yourself on the page.
Episode 128: Meredith Woolnough – Drawing with a sewing machine
Meredith is an artist from Newcastle, Australia. She uses a sewing machine to represent natural subjects through a unique form of sculptural embroidery. This technique combines her background in both natural history illustration and textiles.
Episode 127: INJW Next Steps
One of the richest and most rewarding parts of International Nature Journaling Week was the sense of community and connection with others from across the world. In this episode I talk about the next steps we can take to maintain the momentum in our journaling practice as well as stay connected with this world-wide community.
Episode 126: David George Haskell – Attention, curiosity, and sensory awareness in nature
David is a biologist and writer whose work invites others to contemplate the network of relationships between all life on earth.
Episode 125: Countdown to INJW 2023
In today’s episode I explain all about what is coming up for International Nature Journaling Week (1-7th June) 2023.
Episode 124: Hannah Jones – Wattle and Wonder
Hannah is a nature guide and community educator from South Australia. She is passionate about native plants and uses nature journaling as one tool for helping others see beauty and wonder in the natural world.
Episode 123: Journal with a friend
Nature journaling with a friend is a joyful experience and can even deepen your understanding of the world around you as you unpack nature mysteries together. This week, invite someone to spend time journaling with you and enjoy the benefits of this connection.
Episode 122: Jamie Solomon– Going deep
Jamie is a parent educator from Malaysia. She connects with the natural world through her journal and through poetry. Jamie enjoys spending family time nature journaling with her children in the natural spaces near her home.
Episode 121: Become an apprentice
Find someone who you admire, creatively, and make it a goal to study and replicate what it is you appreciate about their work. Copying is a great way to learn. Remember to always acknowledge that it is a copy if you post your work online.
Episode 120: Karen Colson – Connecting the dots
Karen always had an inner voice that whispered to her about creativity and nature. When she was able to listen to these whispers, she opened a whole new world of art and nature journaling that has become an essential part of her life.
Episode 119: Try something new
Try tackling a subject in your nature journal that you have avoided until now, something that stretches you a little out of your comfort zone. Or play with a new medium that you have not used before and have always wanted to try.
Episode 118: Kathryn Gander – Sketchbooking life
Kathryn is an illustrator and nature journaler from County Durham, England. She fills her journal pages with vibrant and playful depictions of the stories she sees in nature and in life.